Spring Modules with Syllabus

(Including Advance Java & Spring Boot)

01. Spring Core Module

Its the fundamental module of the framework. This core module tells about how to configure spring beans, their dependencies in the XML file. This core module also provides a Spring Inversion of Control (IOC) container (Spring Container).

02. Maven

Maven is used for Java-based projects, helping to download dependencies, which refers to the libraries or JAR files. The tool helps get the right JAR files for each project as there may be different versions of separate packages

08. Springboot

Spring Boot makes it easy to create stand-alone, production-grade Spring based Applications that you can "just run".

07. Spring Security Module

This module contains core authentication and access-control classes and interfaces, remoting support, and basic provisioning APIs. It is required by any application that uses Spring Security

03. Spring JDBC Module

Spring JDBC Module provides one class i.e. JdbcTemplate which is a powerful mechanism to connect to the database and execute SQL queries. It internally uses JDBC API, but

eliminates a lot of problems of JDBC API

04. Spring ORM Module

Spring provides API to easily integrate Spring with ORM frameworks such as Hibernate, JPA(Java Persistence API), JDO(Java Data Objects), Oracle Toplink and iBATIS

06. Spring MVC Module

The Spring Web MVC framework provides Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture and ready components that can be used to develop flexible and loosely coupled web applications

05. Spring DAO Module

The Data Access Object (DAO) support in Spring is aimed at making it easy to work with data access technologies like JDBC, Hibernate, JPA or

JDO in a consistent way

===== Spring Syllabus =====

1. Spring Core Module

= Advance Java Terminologies

= Spring Introduction; Spring Container; POJO & JavaBean class

= Spring FIrst Program; Bean Factory & Application Context

= "id" and "name" attribute; Java Configuration File

= @Component; Bean Scope

= Bean Life Cycle Deep Explanation

= Properties Condiguration using XML, Java & Annotations

= Properties Configuration using XML (constructor-arg tag)

= Dependency Injection (DI); Setter Method DI vs Constructor DI

= Namespace; DI using Java Config File

= Autowiring Introduction; XML Based Autowiring

= Autowiring using Annotations

= Other Topics - Global Attributes, Bean Inheritance, Abstract Bean, Profiling,

Nested Beans, Method Replacer

= Bean Validations

= Logging Explanation; Logging using "Java Logging API"

= Logging using "Log4j"; Logging in Spring

= Internationalization & Localization

= Internationalization & Localization in Spring

= SpEL (Spring Expression Language)

2. Maven

= Maven Explanation; pom.xml File

= Maven using CMD

= Maven using Eclipse

3. Spring AOP Module

= AOP Introduction; AOP Terminologies

= AOP Implementation using XML Configuration DTD Based

= AOP Implementation using XML Configuration XSD Based

= AOP Implementation using Java & Annotations


= Database Introduction; Download & Install MySQL

= SQL Introduction; SQL Commands

= JDBC Introduction; Database Connection

= JDBC CRUD Operations - Part 1 (Insert, Update, Delete)

= JDBC CRUD Operations - Part 2 (Select); ResultSet Working

= JDBC Development Approach

= Statement vs PreparedStatement; SQL Injection Attack

= Batch Updations

= Transaction Management

= DataSource; Connection Pooling

= Connection Pooling (Small Update)

5. Spring with JDBC; DAO Design Pattern

= Introduction; Spring JDBC - Insert, Update & Delete

= Plain - JDBC vs Spring - JDBC

= NamedParameterJdbcTemplate

= Spring Batch Updates

= Spring Connection Pooling

= Design Pattern Introduction; DAO Introduction & programs

= Spring JDBC - DAO

6. Spring with Hibernate (ORM - 1)

= ORM (Object Relational Mapping); Data Persistency

= Hibernate Deep Explanation

= Hibernate Program (Using XML Mapping)

= Hibernate Program (Using Annotations Mapping)

= Hibernate CRUD Operations

= Spring with Hibernate

7. Spring with JPA (ORM - 2)

= JPA Introduction


= JPA Program Explanation

= JPA CRUD Operations

= JPQL (Java Persistence Query Language)

= Named Queries in JPA

= Native SQL Queries in JPA

= Spring with JPA

8. Spring Data JPA

= Spring Data JPA Introduction

= Spring Data JPA Practical 1 - Core CRUD Operations

= Spring Data JPA Practical 2 - Query Methods

9. Servlets & JSP

= Web Application Introduction

= Servlet Introduction and First Program

= HttpServlet Hierarchy

= Servlet Life Cycle

= "web.xml" file Explanation

= Annotations in Java & Servlet

= Request Object (HttpServletRequest & HttpServletResponse)

= Http Methods; Difference between GET & POST

= Servlet Communication; sendRedirect() vs RequestDispatcher

= Session Management (HttpSession)

= HttpSession Internal Working

= Cookies

= URL-Rewritting

= Hidden Form Field

= ServletContext

= ServletConfig

= Filters in Servlet

= JSP Introduction

= JSP Life Cycle

= JSP Tags Categories

= JSP Scripting Tags (Scripting, Directive & Expression Tag)

= JSP Directive Tags (Page, Include & Taglib Directive Tag)

= JSP Action Tags (Standard & Custom Action Tags)

= JSP Implicit Objects

= Expression Language

= JSTL (JSP Standard Tag Library)

= MVC Design Pattern

10. Spring WEB-MVC Module

= Spring WEB & WEB-MVC Introduction

= Spring WEB & WEB-MVC Architecture

= Steps to create Spring WEB-MVC Program

= @Controller, Handler Methods, @RequestMapping etc

= Data Transfer in Controllers (Model & ModelAndView)

= HttpSession & @SessionAttributes

= Spring Form Tag Library; @ModelAttribute

= Spring Form Validations

= Error & Exception Handling

= Spring MVC Tiles

= Upload Files (Image, PDF, Word etc)

= Download Files (Image, PDF, Word etc)

= Internationalization in Web App

= Spring MVC Program using Java Configurations

11. Spring Security

= Spring Security Introduction

= Types & Flow of Spring Security

= Spring Security Programs using XML (Authentication & Authorization)

= Spring Security Programs using Java (Authentication & Authorization)

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