===== Spring Boot Syllabus =====
1. Spring Core Module
= Advance Java Terminologies
= Spring Introduction
= Spring Container (Inversion of Control)
= POJO & JavaBean class
= Spring First Program Deep Explanation
= BeanFactory & ApplicationContext
= "id" and "name" attribute
= Java Configuration File
= @Component; Bean Scope
= Bean Lifecycle Deep Explanation
= Properties Configuration using XML, Java & Annotations
= Properties Configuration using XML (constructor-arg tag)
= Dependency Injection (DI); Setter Method DI and Constructor DI
= P-Namespace and C-Namespace
= DI using Java Config File
= Autowiring Introduction
= XML Based Autowiring
= Autowiring using Annotations
2. Maven
= Maven Introduction
= Purpose and benefits of using Maven
= POM File
= Maven using CMD
= Maven Project in Eclipse
3. Spring Boot Core
= Spring Boot Introduction
= Spring Boot Program Deep Explanation
= Install STS Tool in Eclipse and Create Spring Boot Project
= Download & Install STS IDE and Create Spring Boot Project
= Spring Initializr
= Auto Configurations in Spring Boot
= Starters with Dependencies
= Dependency Management
= POM and BOM; Application Properties
= Spring Boot Basic Programs
= Logging Deep Explanation
= Logging using "Java Logging API"
= Java Logging API - Task
= Logging using "Log4j"
= "SLF4J" - Logging Facade
= Logging using "Logback"
= Spring Boot Logging
4. Spring Boot AOP
= AOP Introduction
= AOP Terminologies
= Spring Boot AOP Programs
= Database Introduction; Download & Install MySQL
= SQL Introduction; SQL Commands
= JDBC Introduction; Database Connection
= JDBC CRUD Operations - Part 1 (Insert, Update, Delete)
= JDBC CRUD Operations - Part 2 (Select); ResultSet Working
= JDBC Development Approach
= Statement vs PreparedStatement; SQL Injection Attack
= Batch Updations
= Transaction Management
= DataSource; Connection Pooling
= Connection Pooling (Small Update)
6. Spring Boot Data Access with JDBC
= Introduction; Spring Boot JDBC - Insert, Update & Delete
= NamedParameterJdbcTemplate
= Spring Batch Updates
= Spring Connection Pooling
= Design Pattern Introduction; DAO Introduction & programs
= Spring Boot JDBC - DAO
7. Spring Boot with Hibernate (ORM - 1)
= ORM (Object Relational Mapping); Data Persistency
= Hibernate Deep Explanation
= Hibernate Program (Using XML Mapping)
= Hibernate Program (Using Annotations Mapping)
= Hibernate CRUD Operations
= Spring Boot with Hibernate
8. Spring Boot with JPA (ORM - 2)
= JPA Introduction
= JPA Program Explanation
= JPA CRUD Operations
= JPQL (Java Persistence Query Language)
= Named Queries in JPA
= Native SQL Queries in JPA
= Spring Boot with JPA
9. Spring Boot Data JPA
= Spring Boot Data JPA Introduction
= Spring Boot Data JPA Practical 1 - Core CRUD Operations
= Spring Boot Data JPA Practical 2 - Query Methods
10. Servlets & JSP
= Web Application Introduction
= Servlet Introduction and First Program
= HttpServlet Hierarchy
= Servlet Life Cycle
= "web.xml" file Explanation
= Annotations in Java & Servlet
= Request Object (HttpServletRequest & HttpServletResponse)
= Http Methods; Difference between GET & POST
= Servlet Communication; sendRedirect() vs RequestDispatcher
= Session Management (HttpSession)
= HttpSession Internal Working
= Cookies
= URL-Rewritting
= Hidden Form Field
= ServletContext
= ServletConfig
= Filters in Servlet
= JSP Introduction
= JSP Life Cycle
= JSP Tags Categories
= JSP Scripting Tags (Scripting, Directive & Expression Tag)
= JSP Directive Tags (Page, Include & Taglib Directive Tag)
= JSP Action Tags (Standard & Custom Action Tags)
= JSP Implicit Objects
= Expression Language
= JSTL (JSP Standard Tag Library)
= MVC Design Pattern
11. Spring Boot WEB-MVC
= Spring Boot WEB & WEB-MVC Introduction
= Steps to create Spring Boot WEB-MVC Program
= @Controller, Handler Methods, @RequestMapping etc
= Data Transfer in Controllers (Model & ModelAndView)
= HttpSession & @SessionAttributes
= Spring Form Tag Library; @ModelAttribute
= Spring Form Validations
= Error & Exception Handling
= Upload Files (Image, PDF, Word etc)
= Download Files (Image, PDF, Word etc)
= Internationalization in Web App
12. Spring Boot with RESTful Web Services and API Integration
= Introduction to APIs, Web Services
= Create RESTful Web Services and CRUD operations
= Test API in Postman
= Jackson Introduction
= Jackson Programs
= Jackson Annotations
= Read JSON Online API
= Pagination
13. Advance Spring Boot
= Spring Boot Security Introduction
= Spring Boot Security flow
= Spring Boot Authentication & Authorization
- In-memory Authentication
- Web-based Authentication
- Form-based Authentication
- Database Authentication
- Role-based Access Control (RBAC) Authorization
= Introduction to Microservices
= Microservice Architecture
= Difference between Monolotihic and Microservices Architecture
= Building and Deploying a Microservices
= Actuators
14. Spring Boot One Project
= CRM (Customer Relationship Management)
= E-Commerse Application
= Social Network